My reasoned, well-considered thoughts on gadgets, computing, quantified self, health, open source and whatever else gets my dander up.
Cookie Notice
As far as I know, and as far as I remember, nothing in this page does anything with Cookies.
Return To The Other End
It was suggested in the comments that there was a better way to pass the history around, and the suggestion was correct. I tried Storable and was not able to make it do what I wanted, so I went with Clone.
The Revised Code
The Revised Code
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Modern::Perl ;
- use Clone qw(clone) ;
- use subs qw{ solve_sudoku test_solution display_puzzle no_go_list } ;
- my @array ;
- my @test ;
- my $x = 0 ;
- my $debug = 0 ;
- my $outcount = 0 ;
- while ( my $line = <data> ) {
- chomp $line ;
- $line =~ s{\D}{ }mxg ;
- my @line = split m{|}mx , $line ;
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- if ( $line[$y] =~ m{\d}mx ) { $array[$x][$y] = $line[$y] ; }
- else { $array[$x][$y] = '' ; }
- }
- $x++ ;
- }
- solve_sudoku( 0 , 0 , \@array ) ;
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub solve_sudoku {
- my $x = shift ; my $nx ;
- my $y = shift ; my $ny ;
- my $history = shift ;
- my $local = clone( $history ) ;
- return if ! test_solution( $local ) ; #0 if fail
- my $current = $$local[$x][$y] ;
- $nx = $x ;
- $ny = $y + 1 ;
- if ( $ny > 8 ) {
- $ny = 0 ;
- $nx = $x + 1 ;
- }
- exit if !defined $nx ;
- exit if !defined $ny ;
- if ( $current =~ m{\d}mx ) { # current position is filled
- solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $local ) ;
- }
- else { # current possition is empty ;
- for my $v ( 1 .. 9 ) {
- $$local[$x][$y] = $v ;
- solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $local ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub test_solution {
- # If incomplete and wrong, return 0
- # If incomplete and right, return 1
- # If complete and right, exit and display
- my $ptr_array = shift ; #pointer to a potentially solved puzzle
- { # Horizontal
- for my $x (0 .. 8 ) {
- my %error ;
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( defined $val ) {
- next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
- $error{ $val }++ ;
- }
- }
- for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
- if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $debug and say 'FAIL HORIZONTAL ' . $e ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { # Vertical
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my %error ;
- for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( defined $val ) {
- next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
- $error{ $val }++ ;
- }
- }
- for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
- if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $debug and say 'FAIL VERTICAL ' . $e ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { # blocks
- my @range ;
- $range[0][0] = 0 ; $range[0][1] = 1 ; $range[0][2] = 2 ;
- $range[1][0] = 3 ; $range[1][1] = 4 ; $range[1][2] = 5 ;
- $range[2][0] = 6 ; $range[2][1] = 7 ; $range[2][2] = 8 ;
- for my $a ( 0 ..2 ) {
- for my $b ( 0 ..2 ) {
- my @x = $range[$a] ;
- my @y = $range[$b] ;
- my %error ;
- for my $i ( 0 .. 2 ) {
- for my $j ( 0 .. 2 ) {
- my $x = $range[$a][$i] ;
- my $y = $range[$b][$j] ;
- my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( defined $val ) {
- next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
- $error{ $val }++ ;
- }
- }
- }
- for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
- if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $debug and say 'FAIL BLOCK ' . $e ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { # ALL GOOD
- my $c = 0 ; #numberof numbers in array
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( defined $val && $val =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $c++ ;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $c == 81 ) {
- say 'GOOD' ;
- display_puzzle $ptr_array ;
- exit ;
- }
- }
- return 1 ;
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub display_puzzle {
- my $ptr_array = shift ; #pointer to a potentially solved puzzle
- say ' -------------' ;
- for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- print ' ' ;
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my $v = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( $v !~ m{\d}mx ) { $v = '_' ; }
- print $v ;
- print ' ' if $y == 2 ;
- print ' ' if $y == 5 ;
- }
- say '' ;
- say '' if $x == 2 ;
- say '' if $x == 5 ;
- }
- say ' ------------- ' ;
- say '' ;
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- exit 0 ;
- #===============================================================================
- __DATA__
- 9__3____6
- _8______7
- __52_89__
- __8__4_73
- _9_____4_
- 76_1__2__
- __78_14__
- 1______5_
- 8____9__1
- </data>
The main loop is much cleaner, and it works. Yay me! Yay readers! Yay Clone! Yay Perl! Next steps are to integrate this into a Sudoku maker, connect that via Ajax to my puzzle, and to to find good ways to input the puzzles in the first place.
use Modern::Perl ;
use Clone qw(clone) ;
use subs qw{ solve_sudoku test_solution display_puzzle no_go_list } ;
my @array ;
my @test ;
my $x = 0 ;
my $debug = 0 ;
my $outcount = 0 ;
while ( my $line = ) {
chomp $line ;
$line =~ s{\D}{ }mxg ;
my @line = split m{|}mx , $line ;
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
if ( $line[$y] =~ m{\d}mx ) { $array[$x][$y] = $line[$y] ; }
else { $array[$x][$y] = '' ; }
$x++ ;
solve_sudoku( 0 , 0 , \@array ) ;
sub solve_sudoku {
my $x = shift ; my $nx ;
my $y = shift ; my $ny ;
my $history = shift ;
my $local = clone( $history ) ;
return if ! test_solution( $local ) ; #0 if fail
my $current = $$local[$x][$y] ;
$nx = $x ;
$ny = $y + 1 ;
if ( $ny > 8 ) {
$ny = 0 ;
$nx = $x + 1 ;
exit if !defined $nx ;
exit if !defined $ny ;
if ( $current =~ m{\d}mx ) { # current position is filled
solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $local ) ;
else { # current possition is empty ;
for my $v ( 1 .. 9 ) {
$$local[$x][$y] = $v ;
solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $local ) ;
sub test_solution {
# If incomplete and wrong, return 0
# If incomplete and right, return 1
# If complete and right, exit and display
my $ptr_array = shift ; #pointer to a potentially solved puzzle
{ # Horizontal
for my $x (0 .. 8 ) {
my %error ;
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( defined $val ) {
next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
$error{ $val }++ ;
for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$debug and say 'FAIL HORIZONTAL ' . $e ;
return 0 ;
{ # Vertical
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my %error ;
for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( defined $val ) {
next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
$error{ $val }++ ;
for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$debug and say 'FAIL VERTICAL ' . $e ;
return 0 ;
{ # blocks
my @range ;
$range[0][0] = 0 ; $range[0][1] = 1 ; $range[0][2] = 2 ;
$range[1][0] = 3 ; $range[1][1] = 4 ; $range[1][2] = 5 ;
$range[2][0] = 6 ; $range[2][1] = 7 ; $range[2][2] = 8 ;
for my $a ( 0 ..2 ) {
for my $b ( 0 ..2 ) {
my @x = $range[$a] ;
my @y = $range[$b] ;
my %error ;
for my $i ( 0 .. 2 ) {
for my $j ( 0 .. 2 ) {
my $x = $range[$a][$i] ;
my $y = $range[$b][$j] ;
my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( defined $val ) {
next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
$error{ $val }++ ;
for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$debug and say 'FAIL BLOCK ' . $e ;
return 0 ;
my $c = 0 ; #numberof numbers in array
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( defined $val && $val =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$c++ ;
if ( $c == 81 ) {
say 'GOOD' ;
display_puzzle $ptr_array ;
exit ;
return 1 ;
sub display_puzzle {
my $ptr_array = shift ; #pointer to a potentially solved puzzle
say ' -------------' ;
for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
print ' ' ;
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my $v = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( $v !~ m{\d}mx ) { $v = '_' ; }
print $v ;
print ' ' if $y == 2 ;
print ' ' if $y == 5 ;
say '' ;
say '' if $x == 2 ;
say '' if $x == 5 ;
say ' ------------- ' ;
say '' ;
exit 0 ;
Sudoku from the Other End

It has been theorized that people don't really like learning, they like it when they get thing, which is why high school sucks. I do know that when I'm not solving problems at work and wish to remind my brain what solving problems feels like, I start playing Sudoku. And on occasion, there are Sudoku puzzles that I just cannot get.
At this point, I will say that I don't quite get the story of John Henry. There's a job that's tough, that's back-breaking work. John Henry was good at it, the best there was. The company thinks that crippling men and sending them to an early grave doesn't pay and brings in a machine to do that job. John Henry challenges the machine, they go head-to-head, and John Henry, the best there was, beats the machine, but dies at the end. So the one man who can beat the machine is in a pine box, with his widow left to care for his orphan children, and this is somehow a win. With some modification, I could see this turned into a sort of Luddite anti-machine parable, but as it stands, it just doesn't work like that.
I do Sudoku to pass my time and exercise my mind. I know I can't beat the machine. "Varlo Grant is a number-crunchin' man, Lord, Lord. Varlo is a number-crunchin' man."

I use
as I use a Gnome desktop, although sometimes I do puzzles on paper. Either way, there's note-taking. There is, to use a computer science term, state. If I put something down wrong, I have to erase everything about that. On paper, multiple erasures look bad and eventually tear away the paper. On the computer, it's easier, but still, there is a penalty for being wrong, if only in my head, which makes you careful about guessing. Basically, you guess when you can no longer prove. This works well for the human mind. I think this can be abstracted to other human activities. People improvise on guitars because the cost of blowing a note is only temporary embarrassment. People don't improvise so much in designing buildings because the cost of blowing architecture is several months of time, several million dollars and possibly several lives.
Basically, take a position (in a specific and set order — tried a more chainy algorithm based upon my Boggle code [which I might post and discuss later], but it sucked), make a guess, check the state and go on. The key is to make the state passable. I'll get into details in a bit, but early on I tried copying an array. A Sudoku puzzle is a 9x9 square, which implies a 9x9 multidimensional array. But Perl, the implementation language I used, does not have multidimensional arrays. It has arrays of arrays. Assuming
$array[0][1] = 2
, @array is an array of pointers to anonymous arrays, and the second value in the first anonymous array (remember, computer people start counting at 0). The practical upside of this is that my @new_array = @array
doesn't recreate the multidimensional array. It passes a set of pointers to anonymous arrays from one array to another. So, my choice was to make a scalar value holding the state that can easily be broken up into an array, rather than passing arrays around.This is the "main" of my Sudoku Solver.
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Modern::Perl ;
- use subs qw{ solve_sudoku test_solution display_puzzle no_go_list } ;
- my @array ;
- my @test ;
- my $x = 0 ;
- my $debug = 0 ;
- my $outcount = 0 ;
- while ( my $line = <data> ) {
- chomp $line ;
- $line =~ s{\D}{ }mxg ;
- my @line = split m{|}mx , $line ;
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- if ( $line[$y] =~ m{\d}mx ) { $array[$x][$y] = $line[$y] ; }
- else { $array[$x][$y] = '' ; }
- }
- $x++ ;
- }
- solve_sudoku( 0 , 0 , '' ) ;
- exit 0 ;
- #===============================================================================
- __DATA__
- 9__3____6
- _8______7
- __52_89__
- __8__4_73
- _9_____4_
- 76_1__2__
- __78_14__
- 1______5_
- 8____9__1
- </data>
Modern::Perl for the win. Thanks, chromatic. Not that I probably couldn't get this working better, but we'll go with what we have. And I probably could cleans some unused variables from this section, but so be it. If I wanted to read in puzzles from standard in or something, I would've done something with
use Modern::Perl ;
use subs qw{ solve_sudoku test_solution display_puzzle no_go_list } ;
my @array ;
my @test ;
my $x = 0 ;
my $debug = 0 ;
my $outcount = 0 ;
while ( my $line = ) {
chomp $line ;
$line =~ s{\D}{ }mxg ;
my @line = split m{|}mx , $line ;
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
if ( $line[$y] =~ m{\d}mx ) { $array[$x][$y] = $line[$y] ; }
else { $array[$x][$y] = '' ; }
$x++ ;
solve_sudoku( 0 , 0 , '' ) ;
exit 0 ;
, but that wasn't the part that interested me.One thing you might notice is that I start at position 0,0 when, in the data set, there's already a value in 0,0. The algorithm has to be able to handle the existing numbers.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub solve_sudoku {
- my $x = shift ;
- my $y = shift ;
- my $nx ;
- my $ny ;
- my $history = shift ;
- my @tmp_array ;
- for my $a ( 0 .. 9 ) {
- for my $b ( 0 .. 9 ) {
- $tmp_array[$a][$b] = $array[$a][$b] ;
- }
- }
- for my $tmp ( split m{\s}mx , $history ) {
- if ( $tmp =~ /\d\d\d/ ) {
- my ( $xx , $yy , $vv ) ;
- $tmp =~ m{(\d)(\d)(\d)}mx ;
- $xx = $1 ; $yy = $2 ; $vv = $3 ;
- my $v = $tmp_array[$xx][$yy] =~ m{\d}mx ;
- if ( $tmp_array[$xx][$yy] =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $debug and say ' FAIL EXISTS ' . $xx . $yy . $v ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- $tmp_array[$xx][$yy] = $vv ;
- }
- }
- return if ! test_solution( \@tmp_array ) ; #0 if fail
- #my @no_go = no_go_list 0 , 0 , \@tmp_array ;
- #say 'X: ' . $x ;
- #say 'Y: ' . $y ;
- #say 'No-go: ' . join ',' , @no_go ;
- #display_puzzle \@tmp_array ;
- my $current = $tmp_array[$x][$y] ;
- $nx = $x ;
- $ny = $y + 1 ;
- if ( $ny > 8 ) {
- $ny = 0 ;
- $nx = $x + 1 ;
- }
- if ( $current =~ m{\d}mx ) { # current position is filled
- solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $history ) ;
- }
- else { # current possition is empty ;
- for my $v ( 1 .. 9 ) {
- $tmp_array[$x][$y] = $v ;
- # next if grep m{$v} , @no_go ;
- solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $history . ' ' . $x . $y . $v ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There is dyked-out code for displaying each iteration. That was primarily for debugging and should really be put in an
sub solve_sudoku {
my $x = shift ;
my $y = shift ;
my $nx ;
my $ny ;
my $history = shift ;
my @tmp_array ;
for my $a ( 0 .. 9 ) {
for my $b ( 0 .. 9 ) {
$tmp_array[$a][$b] = $array[$a][$b] ;
for my $tmp ( split m{\s}mx , $history ) {
if ( $tmp =~ /\d\d\d/ ) {
my ( $xx , $yy , $vv ) ;
$tmp =~ m{(\d)(\d)(\d)}mx ;
$xx = $1 ; $yy = $2 ; $vv = $3 ;
my $v = $tmp_array[$xx][$yy] =~ m{\d}mx ;
if ( $tmp_array[$xx][$yy] =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$debug and say ' FAIL EXISTS ' . $xx . $yy . $v ;
return 0 ;
$tmp_array[$xx][$yy] = $vv ;
return if ! test_solution( \@tmp_array ) ; #0 if fail
#my @no_go = no_go_list 0 , 0 , \@tmp_array ;
#say 'X: ' . $x ;
#say 'Y: ' . $y ;
#say 'No-go: ' . join ',' , @no_go ;
#display_puzzle \@tmp_array ;
my $current = $tmp_array[$x][$y] ;
$nx = $x ;
$ny = $y + 1 ;
if ( $ny > 8 ) {
$ny = 0 ;
$nx = $x + 1 ;
if ( $current =~ m{\d}mx ) { # current position is filled
solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $history ) ;
else { # current possition is empty ;
for my $v ( 1 .. 9 ) {
$tmp_array[$x][$y] = $v ;
# next if grep m{$v} , @no_go ;
solve_sudoku( $nx , $ny , $history . ' ' . $x . $y . $v ) ;
if ( $debug ) {}
block. There's also a @no_go
list created. I don't have the bugs worked out, and I've found this works acceptably fast without it, so I kept it out. So, I recreate and test the current state, decide on the next position, iterate through the possible values for that position (1 through 9) and jump to that. Recursion and iteration where each makes sense. So, Dave, where do you know if you've solved it? In
, of course.- ) {
- next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
- $error{ $val }++ ;
- }
- }
- for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
- if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $debug and say 'FAIL HORIZONTAL ' . $e ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { # Vertical
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my %error ;
- for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( defined $val ) {
- next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
- $error{ $val }++ ;
- }
- }
- for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
- if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $debug and say 'FAIL VERTICAL ' . $e ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { # blocks
- my @range ;
- $range[0][0] = 0 ; $range[0][1] = 1 ; $range[0][2] = 2 ;
- $range[1][0] = 3 ; $range[1][1] = 4 ; $range[1][2] = 5 ;
- $range[2][0] = 6 ; $range[2][1] = 7 ; $range[2][2] = 8 ;
- for my $a ( 0 ..2 ) {
- for my $b ( 0 ..2 ) {
- my @x = $range[$a] ;
- my @y = $range[$b] ;
- my %error ;
- for my $i ( 0 .. 2 ) {
- for my $j ( 0 .. 2 ) {
- my $x = $range[$a][$i] ;
- my $y = $range[$b][$j] ;
- my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( defined $val ) {
- next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
- $error{ $val }++ ;
- }
- }
- }
- for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
- if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $debug and say 'FAIL BLOCK ' . $e ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { # ALL GOOD
- my $c = 0 ; #numberof numbers in array
- for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
- my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
- if ( defined $val && $val =~ m{\d}mx ) {
- $c++ ;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $c == 81 ) {
- say 'GOOD' ;
- display_puzzle $ptr_array ;
- exit ;
- }
- }
- return 1 ;
- }
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) {
next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
$error{ $val }++ ;
for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$debug and say 'FAIL HORIZONTAL ' . $e ;
return 0 ;
{ # Vertical
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my %error ;
for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( defined $val ) {
next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
$error{ $val }++ ;
for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$debug and say 'FAIL VERTICAL ' . $e ;
return 0 ;
{ # blocks
my @range ;
$range[0][0] = 0 ; $range[0][1] = 1 ; $range[0][2] = 2 ;
$range[1][0] = 3 ; $range[1][1] = 4 ; $range[1][2] = 5 ;
$range[2][0] = 6 ; $range[2][1] = 7 ; $range[2][2] = 8 ;
for my $a ( 0 ..2 ) {
for my $b ( 0 ..2 ) {
my @x = $range[$a] ;
my @y = $range[$b] ;
my %error ;
for my $i ( 0 .. 2 ) {
for my $j ( 0 .. 2 ) {
my $x = $range[$a][$i] ;
my $y = $range[$b][$j] ;
my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( defined $val ) {
next if $val =~ m{\D}mx ;
$error{ $val }++ ;
for my $e ( sort keys %error ) {
if ( $error{$e} > 1 && $e =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$debug and say 'FAIL BLOCK ' . $e ;
return 0 ;
my $c = 0 ; #numberof numbers in array
for my $y ( 0 .. 8 ) {
for my $x ( 0 .. 8 ) {
my $val = $$ptr_array[$x][$y] ;
if ( defined $val && $val =~ m{\d}mx ) {
$c++ ;
if ( $c == 81 ) {
say 'GOOD' ;
display_puzzle $ptr_array ;
exit ;
return 1 ;
Adapted from my test code from the previous Sudoku problem, but instead of having to highlight all the positions where I fail, I just have to admit "I fail" and return 0. Makes for one fewer loop for each test, which is good. If I don't fail, I succeed, so I end with
return 1
to announce that. And, after the possible fails and the return, I count the filled spaces. If there are ( 9 x 9 = ) 81 filled squares, then the puzzle is solved, so I display the solution and exit.The real hero to the story of John Henry, I think, is the guy who invented and built the steel-driving machine, the man whose intellectual sweat made it so that nobody had to work themselves to an early grave. Of course, you now have to find something to do with all the people who are no longer killing themselves to death driving steel. But that seems a bit far afield and too philosophical for a coding blog.
Fun with jQuery
I have created jSudoku, an implementation of Sudoku in Javascript with jQuery.
Using jQuery allowed me to use very simple HTML. Just a table with nine rows of nine blocks, each with just a nonbreaking space inside. It kinda breaks the display code, so trust me, OK?
And also very simple
Nothing even remotely clever there.
Where the cleverness comes in is in the javascript.
The next bit, the tricky bit, would be to generate new puzzles. I don't have that yet. But if I can make 'em up, I can put 'em into the puzzle. Feel free to try it.
Using jQuery allowed me to use very simple HTML. Just a table with nine rows of nine blocks, each with just a nonbreaking space inside. It kinda breaks the display code, so trust me, OK?
And also very simple
- table {
- margin: 0 auto ;
- border-collapse: collapse ;
- }
- td {
- height: 40px ;
- width: 40px ;
- font-size: 30px ;
- line-height:40px ;
- text-align: center ;
- padding: 0 ;
- }
- #junk {
- display: none ;
- }
- .header {
- position: absolute ;
- top: 0 ;
- left: 0 ;
- width: 100% ;
- height: 70px ;
- background-color: #666 ;
- padding-left: 5% ;
- border-bottom: 2px solid #333 ;
- }
- .header .title {
- color: white ;
- font-size: 48px ;
- }
- .header .subtitle {
- color: #bbb ;
- font-size: 14px ;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb ;
- }
- .main{
- position: absolute ;
- top: 100px ;
- left: 0 ;
- width: 100% ;
- }
- .footer{
- background-color: #aaa ;
- border-top: 2px solid #ccc ;
- color: #333 ;
- position: absolute ;
- bottom: 0 ;
- left: 0 ;
- width: 100% ;
- }
table {
margin: 0 auto ;
border-collapse: collapse ;
td {
height: 40px ;
width: 40px ;
font-size: 30px ;
line-height:40px ;
text-align: center ;
padding: 0 ;
#junk {
display: none ;
.header {
position: absolute ;
top: 0 ;
left: 0 ;
width: 100% ;
height: 70px ;
background-color: #666 ;
padding-left: 5% ;
border-bottom: 2px solid #333 ;
.header .title {
color: white ;
font-size: 48px ;
.header .subtitle {
color: #bbb ;
font-size: 14px ;
border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb ;
position: absolute ;
top: 100px ;
left: 0 ;
width: 100% ;
background-color: #aaa ;
border-top: 2px solid #ccc ;
color: #333 ;
position: absolute ;
bottom: 0 ;
left: 0 ;
width: 100% ;
Nothing even remotely clever there.
Where the cleverness comes in is in the javascript.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Kinda the "Main()" for this. Runs when the page is fully loaded.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(function() {
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // sudoku
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // look and feel
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $( '#sudoku' ).children( 'table' ).each( function() {
- } ) ;
- $( 'td' ).each( function() {
- $( this ).css( 'border-color' , 'black' ) ;
- $( this ).css( 'border-width' , '1px' ) ;
- $( this ).css( 'border-style' , 'solid' ) ;
- } ) ;
- $( 'td:even' ).each( function() {
- $( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eee' ) ;
- } ) ;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // borders
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var i = 1 ;
- var j = 1 ;
- $( 'tr' ).each( function() {
- i = 1 ;
- $( this ).children( 'td' ).each( function() {
- //$( this ).html( i ) ;
- if ( aSudoku[j][i] != '' ) {
- $( this ).html( aSudoku[j][i] ) ;
- $( this ).attr( 'class' , 'static' ) ;
- $( this ).css( 'font-weight' , '700' ) ;
- // $( this ).css( 'color' , '#000' ) ;
- }
- else {
- $( this ).attr( 'class' , 'change' ) ;
- $( this ).css( 'font-weight' , '100' ) ;
- $( this ).css( 'font-size' , '28px' ) ;
- // $( this ).css( 'color' , '#066' ) ;
- }
- if ( i == 1 || i == 4 || i == 7 ) {
- $( this ).css( 'border-left-width' , '3px' )
- } ;
- if ( i == 3 || i == 6 || i == 9 ) {
- $( this ).css( 'border-right-width' , '3px' )
- } ;
- if ( j == 1 || j == 4 || j == 7 ) {
- $( this ).css( 'border-top-width' , '3px' )
- } ;
- if ( j == 3 || j == 6 || j == 9 ) {
- $( this ).css( 'border-bottom-width' , '3px' )
- } ;
- i++ ;
- } ) ;
- j++ ;
- } ) ;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // position tracking
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $( 'td:even' ).hover( function() {
- $( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eea' ) ;
- } , function() {
- $( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eee' ) ;
- } ) ;
- $( 'td:odd' ).hover( function() {
- $( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eea' ) ;
- } , function() {
- $( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#fff' ) ;
- } ) ;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // setting numbers
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var box ;
- $( 'td.change' ).hover(
- function() {
- box = $( this ) ;
- $( document ).keypress( function(e) {
- if ( ( e.which > 48 && e.which < 58 ) ||
- ( e.which == 32 ) && ( 1 ) ) {
- var c = String.fromCharCode( e.which ) ;
- if ( c == ' ' ) { c = ' ' ; }
- box.html( c ) ;
- }
- } ) ;
- score_table( ) ;
- } ,
- function() {
- box = $( '#junk' ) ;
- score_table( ) ;
- }
- ) ;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- score_table() ;
- } ) ;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function score_table ( ) {
- $( 'input#space' ).attr('value','') ;
- var results = new Array(9) ;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ ){
- results[i] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] ;
- }
- var isDup = new Array(9) ;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ ){
- isDup[i] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] ;
- }
- var output = '' ;
- var t = ' ' ;
- var nl = '\n' ;
- // Neeed To Check....
- var x = 0 ;
- var trs = $( '#stable tr' ) ;
- trs.each( function() {
- var y = 0 ;
- $( this ).find( 'td' ).each( function() {
- results[x][y] = $( this ) ;
- y++ ;
- }) ;
- x++ ;
- }) ;
- // each row ---------------------------------------------------------------
- for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9; x++ ) {
- var aColumn = new Array(10) ;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){ aColumn[i] = 0 ; }
- // first pass -- count
- for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9 ; y++ ) {
- var val = results[x][y].html() ;
- if ( val.length == 8 ) { val = 0 ; }
- val = parseInt( val ) ;
- if ( val > 0 ) { aColumn[val]++ ; }
- }
- // second pass -- mark isDup
- for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9 ; y++ ) {
- var val = results[x][y].html() ;
- if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
- val = parseInt( val ) ;
- if ( aColumn[val] > 1 ) {
- isDup[x][y] = 1 ;
- }
- }
- }
- // each column -------------------------------------------------------------
- for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9; y++ ) {
- var aColumn = new Array(10) ;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){ aColumn[i] = 0 ; }
- // first pass -- count
- for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9 ; x++ ) {
- var val = results[x][y].html() ;
- if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
- val = parseInt( val ) ;
- if ( val > 0 ) { aColumn[val]++ ; }
- }
- // second pass -- mark isDup
- for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9 ; x++ ) {
- var val = results[x][y].html() ;
- if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
- val = parseInt( val ) ;
- if ( aColumn[val] > 1 ) {
- isDup[x][y] = 1 ;
- }
- }
- }
- // each block --------------------------------------------------------------
- var range = new Array(3) ;
- range[0] = [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] ;
- range[1] = [ 3 , 4 , 5 ] ;
- range[2] = [ 6 , 7 , 8 ] ;
- for ( var a = 0 ; a < 3 ; a++ ) {
- for ( var b = 0 ; b < 3 ; b++ ) {
- var rangeX = range[a] ;
- var rangeY = range[b] ;
- output = output + a + b + nl ;
- var aColumn = new Array(10) ;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){ aColumn[i] = 0 ; }
- // first pass -- count
- for ( var c = 0 ; c < rangeX.length ; c++ ) {
- for ( var d = 0 ; d < rangeY.length ; d++ ) {
- var x = rangeX[c] ;
- var y = rangeY[d] ;
- var val = results[x][y].html() ;
- if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
- val = parseInt( val ) ;
- if ( val > 0 ) { aColumn[val]++ ; }
- }
- }
- // second pass -- mark isDup
- for ( var c = 0 ; c < rangeX.length ; c++ ) {
- for ( var d = 0 ; d < rangeY.length ; d++ ) {
- var x = rangeX[c] ;
- var y = rangeY[d] ;
- var val = results[x][y].html() ;
- if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
- val = parseInt( val ) ;
- if ( aColumn[val] > 1 ) { isDup[x][y] = 1 ; }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // and mark ----------------------------------------------------------------
- output = '' ;
- for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9; x++ ) {
- for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9 ; y++ ) {
- var val = results[x][y].html() ;
- var dup = isDup[x][y] ;
- if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
- val = parseInt( val ) ;
- if ( dup == 1 ) { make_red( results[x][y] ) ; }
- else { unmake_red( results[x][y] ) ; }
- }
- output = output + nl ;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // make_red
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function make_red ( td ) {
- td.css( 'color' , 'red' ) ;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // make_red
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function unmake_red ( td ) {
- td.css( 'color' , '#000' ) ;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This code has only been tested in Firefox 3.0. If you have problems, please report them here. And nothing say "Hey, you won!" when the puzzle is solved yet. I figure that will come when I can generate new puzzles. Sorry.
// Kinda the "Main()" for this. Runs when the page is fully loaded.
$(function() {
// sudoku
// look and feel
$( '#sudoku' ).children( 'table' ).each( function() {
} ) ;
$( 'td' ).each( function() {
$( this ).css( 'border-color' , 'black' ) ;
$( this ).css( 'border-width' , '1px' ) ;
$( this ).css( 'border-style' , 'solid' ) ;
} ) ;
$( 'td:even' ).each( function() {
$( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eee' ) ;
} ) ;
// borders
var i = 1 ;
var j = 1 ;
$( 'tr' ).each( function() {
i = 1 ;
$( this ).children( 'td' ).each( function() {
//$( this ).html( i ) ;
if ( aSudoku[j][i] != '' ) {
$( this ).html( aSudoku[j][i] ) ;
$( this ).attr( 'class' , 'static' ) ;
$( this ).css( 'font-weight' , '700' ) ;
// $( this ).css( 'color' , '#000' ) ;
else {
$( this ).attr( 'class' , 'change' ) ;
$( this ).css( 'font-weight' , '100' ) ;
$( this ).css( 'font-size' , '28px' ) ;
// $( this ).css( 'color' , '#066' ) ;
if ( i == 1 || i == 4 || i == 7 ) {
$( this ).css( 'border-left-width' , '3px' )
} ;
if ( i == 3 || i == 6 || i == 9 ) {
$( this ).css( 'border-right-width' , '3px' )
} ;
if ( j == 1 || j == 4 || j == 7 ) {
$( this ).css( 'border-top-width' , '3px' )
} ;
if ( j == 3 || j == 6 || j == 9 ) {
$( this ).css( 'border-bottom-width' , '3px' )
} ;
i++ ;
} ) ;
j++ ;
} ) ;
// position tracking
$( 'td:even' ).hover( function() {
$( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eea' ) ;
} , function() {
$( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eee' ) ;
} ) ;
$( 'td:odd' ).hover( function() {
$( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#eea' ) ;
} , function() {
$( this ).css( 'background-color' , '#fff' ) ;
} ) ;
// setting numbers
var box ;
$( 'td.change' ).hover(
function() {
box = $( this ) ;
$( document ).keypress( function(e) {
if ( ( e.which > 48 && e.which < 58 ) ||
( e.which == 32 ) && ( 1 ) ) {
var c = String.fromCharCode( e.which ) ;
if ( c == ' ' ) { c = ' ' ; }
box.html( c ) ;
} ) ;
score_table( ) ;
} ,
function() {
box = $( '#junk' ) ;
score_table( ) ;
) ;
score_table() ;
} ) ;
function score_table ( ) {
$( 'input#space' ).attr('value','') ;
var results = new Array(9) ;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ ){
results[i] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] ;
var isDup = new Array(9) ;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ ){
isDup[i] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] ;
var output = '' ;
var t = ' ' ;
var nl = '\n' ;
// Neeed To Check....
var x = 0 ;
var trs = $( '#stable tr' ) ;
trs.each( function() {
var y = 0 ;
$( this ).find( 'td' ).each( function() {
results[x][y] = $( this ) ;
y++ ;
}) ;
x++ ;
}) ;
// each row ---------------------------------------------------------------
for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9; x++ ) {
var aColumn = new Array(10) ;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){ aColumn[i] = 0 ; }
// first pass -- count
for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9 ; y++ ) {
var val = results[x][y].html() ;
if ( val.length == 8 ) { val = 0 ; }
val = parseInt( val ) ;
if ( val > 0 ) { aColumn[val]++ ; }
// second pass -- mark isDup
for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9 ; y++ ) {
var val = results[x][y].html() ;
if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
val = parseInt( val ) ;
if ( aColumn[val] > 1 ) {
isDup[x][y] = 1 ;
// each column -------------------------------------------------------------
for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9; y++ ) {
var aColumn = new Array(10) ;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){ aColumn[i] = 0 ; }
// first pass -- count
for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9 ; x++ ) {
var val = results[x][y].html() ;
if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
val = parseInt( val ) ;
if ( val > 0 ) { aColumn[val]++ ; }
// second pass -- mark isDup
for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9 ; x++ ) {
var val = results[x][y].html() ;
if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
val = parseInt( val ) ;
if ( aColumn[val] > 1 ) {
isDup[x][y] = 1 ;
// each block --------------------------------------------------------------
var range = new Array(3) ;
range[0] = [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] ;
range[1] = [ 3 , 4 , 5 ] ;
range[2] = [ 6 , 7 , 8 ] ;
for ( var a = 0 ; a < 3 ; a++ ) {
for ( var b = 0 ; b < 3 ; b++ ) {
var rangeX = range[a] ;
var rangeY = range[b] ;
output = output + a + b + nl ;
var aColumn = new Array(10) ;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){ aColumn[i] = 0 ; }
// first pass -- count
for ( var c = 0 ; c < rangeX.length ; c++ ) {
for ( var d = 0 ; d < rangeY.length ; d++ ) {
var x = rangeX[c] ;
var y = rangeY[d] ;
var val = results[x][y].html() ;
if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
val = parseInt( val ) ;
if ( val > 0 ) { aColumn[val]++ ; }
// second pass -- mark isDup
for ( var c = 0 ; c < rangeX.length ; c++ ) {
for ( var d = 0 ; d < rangeY.length ; d++ ) {
var x = rangeX[c] ;
var y = rangeY[d] ;
var val = results[x][y].html() ;
if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
val = parseInt( val ) ;
if ( aColumn[val] > 1 ) { isDup[x][y] = 1 ; }
// and mark ----------------------------------------------------------------
output = '' ;
for ( var x = 0 ; x < 9; x++ ) {
for ( var y = 0 ; y < 9 ; y++ ) {
var val = results[x][y].html() ;
var dup = isDup[x][y] ;
if ( val.length != 1 ) { val = 0 ; }
val = parseInt( val ) ;
if ( dup == 1 ) { make_red( results[x][y] ) ; }
else { unmake_red( results[x][y] ) ; }
output = output + nl ;
// make_red
function make_red ( td ) {
td.css( 'color' , 'red' ) ;
// make_red
function unmake_red ( td ) {
td.css( 'color' , '#000' ) ;
The next bit, the tricky bit, would be to generate new puzzles. I don't have that yet. But if I can make 'em up, I can put 'em into the puzzle. Feel free to try it.
Red Octagons saying "Go!"
Remember when Windows used to make you click Start to stop the machine?

Now you click Shut Down with no option to shut it down!

Now you click Shut Down with no option to shut it down!
We Live In The Future
"Thank you, Mr. Robot Banker! Have a nice day!"
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