And, of course I used my powers on Sudoku.
Now, I've seen a problem that's inspired me again.
By changing one letter at a time to form different English words, and leaving all other letters in their original positions, convert SIXTH into TENTH in the fewest steps possible. Good luck!There are Spoilers below
S I X T H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T E N T H
As I learned with
, which I've since found is Boggle, if you're going to find words, you first need to know words. So, I pulled and adapted my Boggle code for coming up with a dictionary list.sub dictionary { my ( $length ) = @_ ; my %done ; my %word ; my $dir = './Dict' ; my $dirhandle ; opendir $dirhandle, $dir ; my $file ; while ( defined( $file = readdir $dirhandle ) ) { next if $file =~ m(^\.)mx ; open my $filehandle, '<', $dir . q{/} . $file ; while ( <$filehandle> ) { chomp ; $_ = lc $_ ; next if $done{ $_ }++ ; next if length != $length ; $word{ $_ }++ ; } close $filehandle ; } closedir $dirhandle ; return sort { $a cmp $b } keys %word ; }Of course, you need to be in the same directory as a directory full of dictionaries. I used a few I pulled from the CERIAS FTP site, and probably has some overlap, but better that then missing a word and thus a connection.
I then started poking at the words, trying to find the next. I came up with a way to get all the proper alternatives, given a word. I then pulled it into a subroutine.
sub get_word_choices { my ( $word ) = shift ; my @word = split m{}mx, $word ; my @output ; for my $pos ( 0 .. scalar @word - 1 ) { my @local = @word ; $local[ $pos ] = '.' ; my $local = join '', @local ; my @words = grep { m{$local}mx } grep { !m{$word}mx } @dictionary ; next if scalar @words == 0 ; push @output , @words ; } return @output ; }I should probably pass
rather than leave it as a global, but certainly, you don't want to re-parse the dictionary file each time.It struck me about this point that I should have all I need to automatically solve this, not leaving me to use this tool to piece something together.
I am not as happy with this part as I could be.
sub check_words { my $word2 = shift ; my @words = @_ ; return if scalar @words > 7 ; my $last = $words[-1] ; if ( $last eq $word2 ) { say '' ; say join ' ' , @words , scalar @words ; } my @choices = get_word_choices( $last ) ; #say join ' ' , @words ; for my $choice ( @choices ) { next if grep { m{$choice}mx } @words ; check_words( $word2 , @words , $choice ) ; } print join ' ' , '' , scalar @words ; return ; }It's depth-first search and it's long. Which, I suppose, is unavoidable for depth-first search. Consider this solution:
sixth sixte sixty silty tilty tinty tenty tenthsixth to sixty is just as legal a jump as sixth to sixte. If I used an iterative process with a better data structure, I could use a shortest path algorithm and bypass sixte. And, of course, by putting
to give me some appreciation of progress, I'm bogging the thing way down. So, that's where I'd rewrite to make this better.
A big problem is history. If I go from fall to ball, I shouldn't go from ball to call or gall or hall or mall or pall. I'm having to add a level but I think I can solve for that.