This program collects the functions by module in a directory full of modules and checks a code base against it. This tells you which functions you are actually using. Which isn't quite what I wanted, but close.
I can see some additions I could want. Setting the library directory and code directories via
would be the first one. And it doesn't quite tell me what I want to know in all cases. If I use a function in a program that never gets called, it still gives me a result. But this is a place to start.And because of this, I now know that, within the stack of previously-invented wheels called CPAN, there's a module called Regexp::Common that holds a stack of established regular expressions. I wanted to pull out all comments out of my programs for testing, so that a commented-out function doesn't count.
#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010 ; use strict ; use warnings ; use Cwd 'abs_path' ; use Regexp::Common qw /comment/ ; use subs qw{ check_programs module_list decomment drop_pm get_module_subs pull_package_name pull_module_name pull_sub_name } ; my $modules = module_list '/path/to/my/lib' ; my $directories = [ '/code/directory/one', '/code/directory/two', '/code/directory/three', ] ; my $data = check_programs( $directories, $modules ) ; for my $mod ( sort keys %$data ) { my $module = $data->{ $mod } ; say $mod ; for my $sub ( sort keys %$module ) { my $subroutine = $module->{ $sub } ; say join "\t", '', ( $subroutine->{ count } ? $subroutine->{ count } : 0 ) , $sub, ; } } exit ; ########## ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ########## ######### Subroutines ######### ######### ########## ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # The core of the program sub check_programs { my ( $directories, $modules ) = @_ ; my $data ; for my $program_dir ( @$directories ) { my $program_directory = abs_path $program_dir ; chdir $program_directory ; #say $program_directory ; my @directory = glob '*.cgi *.pl *.pm' ; my $programs ; @$programs = map { { $_ => get_program( $_ ) } } @directory ; for my $program ( @$programs ) { my $k ; ( $k ) = keys %$program ; my $v = $program->{ $k } ; #say join "\t", '', $k ; for my $module ( @$modules ) { my $mk ; ( $mk ) = keys %$module ; my $mv = $module->{ $mk } ; #say join "\t", '', '', $mk ; for my $sub ( @$mv ) { my $result = $v =~ /$sub/ ? 1 : 0 ; #$result # and say join "\t", '', '', '', $result, $sub ; $data->{ $mk }->{ $sub }->{ exists } = 1 ; if ( $result ) { $data->{ $mk }->{ $sub }->{ count }++ ; push @{ $data->{ $mk }->{ $sub }->{ used } }, abs_path $k ; } } } } } return $data ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # returns the contents of a filename, if it contains 'perl' in the top sub get_program { my ( $filename ) = @_ ; if ( -f $filename ) { if ( open my $fh, '<', $filename ) { my @lines = map { decomment $_ } <$fh> ; #return 0 if $lines[0] !~ m/perl/ ; return join '', @lines ; close $fh ; } } return 0 ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # removes Perl comments sub decomment { my ( $code ) = @_ ; #chomp $code ; $code =~ s/$RE{comment}{Perl}// ; return $code ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # returns an array ref of module names with an array of subroutines # the module contains sub module_list { my ( $dir ) = @_ ; my $directory = abs_path $dir ; chdir $directory ; my $output ; my @directory = glob '*.pm' ; @$output = map { { ( pull_module_name join '/', $directory, $_ . '.pm' ) => ( get_module_subs join '/', $directory, $_ . '.pm' ) } } map { drop_pm $_ } @directory ; return $output ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # returns an array ref to all the functions (minus internal functions # whose name starts with _) within a given module sub get_module_subs { my ( $mod_path ) = @_ ; my @output ; if ( -f $mod_path ) { if ( open my $fh, '<', $mod_path ) { my @lines = <$fh> ; push @output, grep { !/^_/ } map { pull_sub_name $_ } grep { /^\s*sub / } @lines ; close $fh ; } } @output = sort @output ; return \@output ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # return the package name of a module sub pull_module_name { my ( $mod_path ) = @_ ; my @output ; if ( -f $mod_path ) { if ( open my $fh, '<', $mod_path ) { my @lines = <$fh> ; push @output, map { pull_package_name $_ } grep { /^\s*package / } @lines ; close $fh ; } } return $output[ 0 ] ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # return the package name of a 'package Package::Name ;' string sub pull_package_name { my ( $in ) = @_ ; chomp $in ; $in = ( split m{\s*package\s*}, $in )[ 1 ] ; $in = ( split m/\s*;\s*/, $in )[ 0 ] ; return $in ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # return only the subroutine name from a 'sub sub_name { ' string sub pull_sub_name { my ( $in ) = @_ ; chomp $in ; $in = ( split m{\s*sub\s*}, $in )[ 1 ] ; $in = ( split m/\s*{\s*/, $in )[ 0 ] ; return $in ; } #--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- # remove '.pm' from end of module file names sub drop_pm { my ( $in ) = @_ ; $in =~ s/\.pm$// ; return $in ; }
I'll confess that I wish I wrote it more Higher Order, but that can be changed later.