The previous post wasn't built in a vacuum.
I was chasing down ideas for a purpose. I've been building JSON APIs for the lab for quite some time, each with as much knowledge about them as I had at that time, which means I have a number of bad APIs out there, and I'm in a position now where I'd like to unify them into either task-specific or access-level-specific groups.
That last piece of code was me finally able to take the lesson I learned from perlbrew about the symbol table being usable as a dispatch table. But it had a problem.
That problem was that, to use it, I would have to use or require whatever module I want to access into that one module. This is a problem because then I'd need a different for each version of the API I wanted to make. This is not good.
I remembered code that I used to use to download Dilbert comics. I subclassed HTML::Parser, adding functions that were specific to the task of grabbing images. Which is exactly what I do here.
I was chasing down ideas for a purpose. I've been building JSON APIs for the lab for quite some time, each with as much knowledge about them as I had at that time, which means I have a number of bad APIs out there, and I'm in a position now where I'd like to unify them into either task-specific or access-level-specific groups.
That last piece of code was me finally able to take the lesson I learned from perlbrew about the symbol table being usable as a dispatch table. But it had a problem.
That problem was that, to use it, I would have to use or require whatever module I want to access into that one module. This is a problem because then I'd need a different for each version of the API I wanted to make. This is not good.
I remembered code that I used to use to download Dilbert comics. I subclassed HTML::Parser, adding functions that were specific to the task of grabbing images. Which is exactly what I do here.
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- # the application code
- use feature qw{ say } ;
- use strict ;
- use warnings ;
- use lib ;
- my $api = API->new( @ARGV ) ;
- $api->run() ;
- package API ;
- use base 'API_Base' ;
- use lib ;
- use API_PED ;
Above, I make a version of API that includes API_PED.
API_Base is conceptually very perlbrew-influenced, but I totally dropped the "I think you mean" because this is a JSON API, not a command-line program.
- package API_Base ;
- use feature qw{ say } ;
- use strict ;
- use warnings ;
- use CGI ;
- use Getopt::Long ;
- use Data::Dumper ;
- use JSON ;
- # Yes, I still use CGI. I kick it old-school.
- sub new {
- my ( $class, @argv ) = @_ ;
- my $self ;
- my $cgi = CGI->new() ;
- %{ $self->{param} } = map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } $cgi->param() ;
- ( undef, @{ $self->{pathinfo} } ) = split m{/}, $cgi->path_info() ;
- return bless $self, $class ;
- }
- sub run {
- my ($self) = @_ ;
- $self->run_command( $self->{pathinfo}, $self->{param} ) ;
- }
- sub run_command {
- my ( $self, $pathinfo, $param ) = @_ ;
- my $command = $pathinfo->[0] || 'test' ;
- my $s = $self->can("api_$command") ;
- unless ($s) {
- $command =~ y/-/_/ ;
- $s = $self->can("api_$command") ;
- }
- unless ($s) {
- $self->fail( $pathinfo, $param ) ;
- exit ;
- }
- unless ( 'CODE' eq ref $s ) { $self->fail( $pathinfo, $param ) }
- $self->$s( $pathinfo, $param ) ;
- }
- sub fail {
- my ( $self, $pathinfo, $param ) = @_ ;
- say 'content-type: application/json' ;
- say '' ;
- say encode_json {
- status => 'fail',
- param => $param,
- pathinfo => $pathinfo
- } ;
- . 'desired path = '
- . ( join '/', '',@$pathinfo ) ;
- }
- sub api_test {
- my ( $self, $pathinfo, $param ) = @_ ;
- say 'content-type: application/json' ;
- say '' ;
- say encode_json { status => 1, param => $param, pathinfo => $pathinfo } ;
- }
- 1 ;
We go into the symbol table twice. one to export api_PED, which would become api.cgi/PED, and one to make subroutines named ped_* into a dispatch table, allowing api.cgi/PED/test, api/PED/mail and api.cgi/PED/lookup.
- package API_PED ;
- use feature qw{ say } ;
- use warnings ;
- use Exporter qw{import} ;
- use JSON ;
- # PED is our campus LDAP server
- use lib '/depot/gcore/apps/lib/' ;
- use PED qw{ purdue_ldap_lookup } ;
- our @EXPORT ;
- for my $entry ( keys %API_PED:: ) {
- next if $entry !~ /^api_/ ;
- push @EXPORT, $entry ;
- }
- # The goal here is to do as much as we can without repetition
- # we export api_PED so that API accept this as a command without
- # having to write it into
- # api_PED checks for any subroutine starting with 'ped_' and
- # runs it
- # so in essence, exporting a sub starting with api_ adds it to the
- # API dispatch table, and writing a sub starting with ped_ adds it
- # to this module's dispatch tableee
- sub api_PED {
- my ( $self, $pathinfo, $param ) = @_ ;
- my %commands ;
- shift @$pathinfo ;
- foreach my $entry ( keys %API_PED:: ) {
- next if $entry !~ /^ped_/ ;
- $commands{$entry} = 1 ;
- }
- my $sub_name = shift @$pathinfo ;
- my $command = 'ped_' . $sub_name ;
- if ( $commands{$command} ) {
- my $full = join '::', 'API_PED', $command ;
- &{$full}( $pathinfo, $param ) ;
- exit ;
- }
- else {
- say 'content-type: application/json' ;
- say '' ;
- say encode_json { c => \%commands, p => $pathinfo, e => $command } ;
- }
- }
- sub ped_test {
- my ( $pathinfo, $param ) = @_ ;
- say 'content-type: application/json' ;
- say '' ;
- say encode_json { result => 1 } ;
- exit ;
- }
- sub ped_mail {
- my ( $pathinfo, $param ) = @_ ;
- my $name = $pathinfo->[0] ;
- my $lookup = purdue_ldap_lookup($name) ;
- say 'content-type: application/json' ;
- say '' ;
- say encode_json {
- status => ( scalar keys %$lookup ? 1 : 0 ),
- mail => $lookup->{mail},
- } ;
- exit ;
- }
- sub ped_lookup {
- my ( $pathinfo, $param ) = @_ ;
- my $name = $pathinfo->[0] ;
- my $lookup = purdue_ldap_lookup($name) ;
- say 'content-type: application/json' ;
- say '' ;
- say encode_json {
- status => ( scalar keys %$lookup ? 1 : 0 ),
- lookup => $lookup,
- } ;
- exit ;
- }
- 1 ;
I'm not the happiest. Each sub handles encoding the output itself. I normally use JSON, but I could imagine exporting JSONP, XML, CSV or something else, and I could imagine passing back the data and an indication as to how it should be handled. I think I might have that somewhere, like I had the base code in a web comic reader from the late 1990s.
To sum up, I'm in the middle panel of this:
![]() |
Three Panel Soul. I think the artist turned this into a t-shirt. |