Cookie Notice

As far as I know, and as far as I remember, nothing in this page does anything with Cookies.


Trying to minimize in-page Javascript

An overstatement, but a funny one. When everything on the web was new, we put all our JS code into the page itself, because there wasn't much other choice. We put our triggers into our tags and in script blocks at the top of the page, as we did with our CSS in style blocks.

Eventually, we decided that this is bad. In part, consistency across several pages requires each page to have access, so we pulled our style into CSS files and our code into JS files, and it was good.

And then came tablesorter.

In my lab, I deal with data a lot, and I create many web pages where the data is put in tabular form. This is the use of tables that Zeldman wouldn't yell at me about. We use tablesorter to allow us to do cool things with the tables, and if we were doing it vanilla, we could just make tablestarter.js that reads something like $(function() { $('.sorted').tablesorter() } ), but instead, we parse dates into sortable form and set widget options and all sorts of stuff, which isn't necessarily going to transfer between tables. So, I have a script block that's ever-growing, mostly with config. I've set up a tablesorter_tools library that'll allow me to start pulling code out of the pages, but the config? I will have to find a better solution.


Working with Perl Critic around Exporter

I am working on a framework for modern web APIs using CGI and old-school Perl objects, inspired by what I learned from perlbrew. This is more or less how the included modules go. This auto-exports every function that starts with 'api_', so that I could write helper_one() and helper_two() with no worries about them being exported, and without having to add api_butt, api_stump, and api_tail to @EXPORT, because it's striking me that the export list follows documentation as a pernicious form of code duplication.

package API_Proof ;use strict ;
use warnings FATAL => 'all' ;

use Exporter qw{import} ;

our $VERSION = 0.1 ;

our @EXPORT ;
for my $entry ( keys %API_Billing_0_1:: ) {
    next if $entry !~ /^api_/mxs ;
    push @EXPORT, $entry ;

sub api_stub {
    # code goes here

I intend to put the whole deal up on +GitHub eventually, but to avoid complication, I'll just get to the point where it's used, below. I'm exporting everything that starts with api_, so it's all available for $api->run() when we get there. (It's all in previous posts.)

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict ;
use warnings ;
use lib '/path/to/lib' ;

my $api = API->new( @ARGV ) ;
$api->run() ;

package API ;
use lib '/path/to/lib' ;
use base 'API_Base' ; use API_Stub ;

And here is where we run into Perl Best Practices and Perl::Critic. I've been running some modules through perlcritic -1 for sake of being complete, and it lead me to do some changes, and there's one that is keeping me from being clean. It's that I'm using @EXPORT. I should be using @EXPORT_OK or %EXPORT_TAGS instead, it says. This means, that first code block should have something like this instead.

my @export ;
for my $entry ( keys %API_Bard:: ) {
    next if $entry !~ /^api_/ ;
    push @export, $entry ;

$EXPORT_TAGS{ api } = [ @export ];
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{ 'api' } } ) ;

And then use API_Stub qw{:api}. I am not quite convinced. I'm open, though. I guess I would just like to know what the problem with export by default is, but this isn't in PBP.


Thinking Aloud about Testing a Module

I have a module that handles getting a DBI object connecting to MySQL databases. With some work, it could be made to talk to others, but since I don't really have any Oracle or PostgreSQL databases to connect to, it hasn't been worth it.

I have another module that handles calling the first module, managing credentials so they don't show up in code, getting and holding the DBI object and doing the actual calls to the database. This way, I can set a variable saying this DB is named 'foo' and say "I want an arrayref containing the result of this query" without dealing with all the nooks and crannies of DBI.

I now have a module that uses that second module to do work. Get information from the database, throw it into an object and kick it out to be converted to JSON later. And I want to write tests for it. But I have thought and continue to think that having a test that queries a database in a way that requires a dynamic resource to be static is stupid.

Is the way to test it to feed in a "this is a test" flag somewhere, stick a bunch of canned output into the functions to output if the flag, because what I should be testing here is that the module dumps things the right way, right?