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More Gripes and Misunderstandings about Dancer

It has been suggested that I'm not using MVC separation, which is fair, as I don't really see MVC separation. I found the POD for Dancer::Plugin::Database, and have modified my package to use it. weather is the old one, weather2 is the new one using the plugin.

package TestApp ;
use Dancer ':syntax' ;
use Dancer::Plugin::Database ;
use lib '/home/jacoby/lib' ;
use MyDB 'db_connect' ;
use DateTime ;
use Data::Dumper ;

our $VERSION = '0.1' ;

get '/' => sub {
    template 'index' ;
    } ;
get '/weather' => sub {
    my $dbh = db_connect() ;
    my $sql = <<SQL;
    # Last Eight Hours
    SELECT  time , AVG( temp_f )
    FROM weather WHERE zip = "47909"
    AND HOUR( TIMEDIFF( SYSDATE() , time ) ) < 9
    GROUP BY HOUR(time)
    ORDER BY time
    my $hr = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $sql ) or croak $dbh->errstr ;
    my @hr ;
    for my $point ( @$hr ) {
        my ( $time, $temp ) = @$point ;
        my @time = split /\D+/ ,  $time ;
        my $dt = DateTime->new(
            year  => $time[0] ,
            month => $time[1] ,
            day   => $time[2] ,
            hour => $time[3] ,
            minute => $time[4] ,
            second => $time[5] ,
            ) ;
        my $data ;
        $data->{ time } = $dt->format_cldr( 'h:mm a' ) ;
        $data->{ temp } = sprintf '%.1f', $temp ;
        next if $data->{ time } !~ /00/ ;
        push @hr, $data ;
    my $string = 'Temperature in West Lafayette for the last 8 hours' ;
    my $hr_ptr = \@hr ;
    template 'weather' , {
        string => $string ,
        weather => $hr_ptr
        } ;
    } ;

get '/weather2' => sub {
    my $string = 'Temperature in West Lafayette for the last 8 hours' ;
    my $sth = database->prepare(
        'SELECT  time , AVG( temp_f ) temp
        FROM weather WHERE zip = "47909"
        AND HOUR( TIMEDIFF( SYSDATE() , time ) ) < 9
        GROUP BY HOUR(time)
        ORDER BY time '
        ) ;
    $sth->execute( ) ;
    template 'weather' , {
        string => $string ,
        xxx => $sth->fetchall_arrayref( ) ,
        } ;
    } ;

true ;

I have been pointed to, and, beyond my wanting to be more specific in the munging of the data, weather is very similar to "Our First Route Handler". (How I store some data is not necessarily how I want to display some data.)

weather2 uses and you can see that there's much less code in there. The stuff I put into  MyDB exists in Dancer::Plugin::Database, and I probably could mess with the data before sending it on, instead of hooking up $sth->fetchall_arrayref() to the output.

The big thing I see here, which I could do something about with weather but probably not with the plugin-using weather2, is the SQL code being here. I would much rather shove that SQL off into a library somewhere, which I've done elsewhere, than have it at this point. But maybe, that's an aspect of me not really getting the MVC thing yet.

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